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Giussani-Research | GR-SC/1000





To connect your loudspeaker systems to the power amplifier, GR offers special cables with an exclusive configuration, capable of guaranteeing maximum listening quality into very low or reactive impedances with relevant cable length. In addition to the absence of aging processes and to the constancy of the electrical parameters on the entire audio band, also guaranteed by the absence of skin effect, SC-1000 cables offer exceptional flexibility.
The cables hi-end GR SC-1000 for the connection of speaker systems are assembled “ad personam” in the necessary length and with the terminals required.
The standard configuration is self-expanding banana plugs.
On request are also provided for alternative types of connectors, for example pin or fork.


Technical specifications
Dielectric: solid polyethylene
Inductance: <0.06 uH / m Capacity: <1,000 pF / m Resistance: <0.007 ohm / m Equivalent section: 5 mm2

